New 2-years post-doc position announcement in disease spread modelling

Published on February 12, 2018, by Marius Gilbert

A 2-year post-doc position is opened to work on spatial epidemics and phylogeographic models applied to Bluetongue.


Several factors can contribute to the spread of animal diseases their relative effect can be difficult to disentangle. In this project, we aim to compare spatial epidemic models and spatial phylogeographic models in their capacity to quantify the effect of different factors on patterns of spread, using past bluetongue epidemics as study system. The research will involve the collection and integration of spatial and spatio-temporal data sets on anthropogenic (typically animal movements) and climatic and environmental (wind, temperature, rainfall, vegetation, land use / land cover) factors and their use in analysing past bluetongue epidemics in Europe using both epidemic and phylogeographic models. The position is supported by the H2020 project “Understanding pathogen, livestock, environment interactions involving bluetongue virus” (PALE-Blu,, and the researcher will be expected to work and interact with the different partners of the project. The developments of the spatial modelling and spatial phylogeographic models will be supervised by M. Gilbert and S. Dellicour, respectively.

Qualifications & eligibility

The candidate should hold a Ph.D. in quantitative ecology, quantitative geography, mathematical modelling or biostatistics, should have a strong interest in ecology and epidemiology, and should have demonstrated computational, communication and writing skills (English). Eligible candidates should not have been working in Belgium for more than one year in the last three years.


Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, PDFs of the 3 most representative publications, and a list of three references with email contact information. Applications are open until filled.


Dr Marius Gilbert: