Armando Rivera PhD Student


Biographical sketch

Armando Rivera holds a bachelor degree in agriculture and a master degree in spatial information science from the University of Melbourne (2015) with more than five years experience in geographic information system (GIS) data analysis and software development. He worked in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) developing models and tools to estimate greenhouse emissions in the livestock sector, based on the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM). Armando’s expertise includes livestock productivity modelling, geographic data collection, climate change data analysis, and forest carbon computation.

PhD project

Armando is developing his PhD research in greenhouse gas mitigation options in livestock systems: a study of uncertainty in estimates. He is interested in generate software based on the GLEAM to estimate emissions in the livestock sector for three countries: Indonesia, Kenya, and Costa Rica. The tools will facilitate data collection and processing for the evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions baselines and intervention strategies in different scenarios.
