Jonathan holds a master’s degree in engineering in computer science from the UCLouvain, with a specialisation in Artificial Intelligence. His research focuses on the analysis of epidemiological contact tracing data.
Jonathan started a PhD project in November 2022 at the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology (KU Leuven) under the co-supervision of Emmanuel André and Guy Baele at the KU Leuven, as well as Simon Dellicour at the ULB. The goal of his project is to optimise the Test & Trace system with the use of bioinformatics and machine learning techniques. To do so, he develops plugins for the outbreak investigation tool Go.Data, which has been developed by the WHO.
Unravelling the effect of New Year’s Eve celebrations on SARS-CoV-2 transmission
C. Geenen, J. Thibaut, L. Laenen, J. Raymenants, L. Cuypers, P. Maes, S. Dellicour, and E. André.
"Scientific Reports",
Vol. 13,
Issue 1,
Pages 22195,
Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 concentration and circulation of variants of concern in wastewater of Leuven, Belgium
A. Rector, M. Bloemen, M. Thijssen, L. Delang, J. Raymenants, J. Thibaut, B. Pussig, L. Fondu, B. Aertgeerts, M. Van Ranst, C. Van Geet, J. Arnout, and E. Wollants.
"Journal of Medical Virology",
Vol. 95,
Issue 2,
Pages e28587,
Indoor air surveillance and factors associated with respiratory pathogen detection in community settings in Belgium
J. Raymenants, C. Geenen, L. Budts, J. Thibaut, M. Thijssen, H. De Mulder, S. Gorissen, B. Craessaerts, L. Laenen, K. Beuselinck, S. Ombelet, E. Keyaerts, and E. André.
"Nature Communications",
Vol. 14,
Issue 1,
Pages 1332,
Individual level analysis of digital proximity tracing for COVID-19 in Belgium highlights major bottlenecks
C. Geenen, J. Raymenants, S. Gorissen, J. Thibaut, J. McVernon, N. Lorent, and E. André.
"Nature Communications",
Vol. 14,
Issue 1,
Pages 6717,
Empirical evidence on the efficiency of backward contact tracing in COVID-19
J. Raymenants, C. Geenen, J. Thibaut, K. Nelissen, S. Gorissen, and E. Andre.
"Nature Communications",
Vol. 13,
Issue 1,
Pages 4750,
Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 transmission in student residences: a case-ascertained study
M. Vanbesien, G. Molenberghs, C. Geenen, J. Thibaut, S. Gorissen, E. André, and J. Raymenants.
"Archives of Public Health",
Vol. 80,
Issue 1,
Pages 212,