Modelling biological invasion includes a number of approaches, from mechanistics approaches that generally require a detailed understanding of key life-history parameters of the invaders (e.g., growth rate, diffusion processes, biotic and abiotic interactions), to empirical statistical models that analyse the spatio-temporal patterns of invasions in order to quantify some of their key features (e.g., rate of spread, correlation between date of first invasion and external predictor variables). In our work, we mainly focus on empirical statistical approaches to analyse spatio-temporal data of biological invasions. In particular, invading organisms spreading though a heterogeneous landscape are difficult to study using conventional statistical models, and there is no established methodology to analyse those space-time data sets. We aim to develop new methodology to study type of data, to review existing methods, and to compare all methods in their capacity to detect the influence of landscape heterogeneity on the pattern of spread.
To date, the statistical analysis of spread rates can broadly be divided in two categories. In one hand, boundary displacement methods (BD) are based on the division of the invasion in different and discrete time steps, the spatial distribution of the invaded area and of the invasion front-line is established at each time step, and the local spread rate is measured locally as the distance separating the invasion front-line of two sequential time step. In the other hand, trend-surface analysis methods (TSA) treat the date of first invasion as a continuous dependent variable, fit a surface model to the observed date of first invasion as a function of spatial coordinates, and finally estimate the local rate of spread as the inverse of the local slope of the surface. Analysing the resulting local spread rates estimates in relation with the heterogenous environment has not been much investigated so far. We approach this problem through simulating the spread of invading organisms with known parameters, and build a data set that we can then use as training data to compare statistical methods.
We initially developed a method allowing to model and quantify the progression of the wavefront of a biological invasion. More recently, we have also developed an analytical framework based on this initial work and that allows testing the impact of continuous environmental layer as well as barriers on a wavefront progression. This analytical framework has been applied to study the external factor impacting the progression of the African swine fever spread in both Belgium and South Korea.
A spatially-heterogeneous impact of fencing on the African swine fever wavefront in the Korean wild boar population
J.-S. Lim, T. Vergne, E. Kim, C. Guinat, S. Dellicour, and M. Andraud.
"Veterinary Research",
Vol. 55,
Issue 1,
Pages 163,
Unravelling the dispersal dynamics and ecological drivers of the African swine fever outbreak in Belgium
S. Dellicour, D. Desmecht, J. Paternostre, C. Malengreaux, A. Licoppe, M. Gilbert, and A. Linden.
"Journal of Applied Ecology",
Vol. 57,
Issue 8,
Pages 1619-1629,
Evaluating methods to quantify spatial variation in the velocity of biological invasions
C. Tisseuil, A. Gryspeirt, R. Lancelot, M. Pioz, A. Liebhold, and M. Gilbert.
Vol. 39,
Issue 5,
Pages 409-418,
Comparing methods for measuring the rate of spread of invading populations
M. Gilbert, and A. Liebhold.
Vol. 33,
Issue 5,
Pages 809-817,