
New papers in e-Life on H5N1

On December 22 2016 by Marius Gilbert
A new paper has just been published in e-life mapping the global distribution of areas where HPAI H5N1 would have a high chance of sustained transmission upon introduction, as illustrated in the figure below. This was our first experience with e-life and we really enjoyed the quality and transparency of the peer-reviewing process, where referee comments are summarized and consolidated by the editorial team, and published, with their responses alonside the paper. Read more...

New paper on wild birds and the spread of avian influenza

On October 20 2016 by Marius Gilbert

A new H5N8 virus emerged in the years 2014-2015 and rapidly spread across several continents, causing several avian influenza outbreaks in Europe and in the USA. As part of a large consortium of researchers, we published this week a new paper in Science that combines phylogeography, epidemiology and data on poultry trade to conclude that wild migratory birds played an important role in this rapid spread.


Participation to the GeoVet conference in Valdivia (Chile)

On October 19 2016 by Marius Gilbert

Four members of the lab will be attending the Geovet conferences in November, with talks on the spread of Bluetonge (G. Nicolas), on large-scale suitability models for HPAI H5N1 viruses (J. Artois), on farm distribution models (C. Chaiban) and status of the gridded livestock of the world database (M. Gilbert).